Cat Shelter Felix volunteers were informed two weeks ago that a huge old cat appeared at Maxi’s in a busy street in Novi Sad. He is tame and not afraid of anything.
They knew: ” Street cats do not live old on the street, it means that he was thrown out, he is not afraid of anything , it means that he will get hurt very quickly, and he is not castrated, which means that he will further spread diseases if there are any (it is unlikely that there are none) “.
One Monica sheltered the cat , took it to the vet, cured and castrated it, and advertised for adoption . She was only looking for a place where she could live out what was left of her life. Out of so many in Novi Sad, no one offered to give him a home.
Monica had no idea where to go with him, she asked them to take him in, to place him safely. On Tuesday, November 7, she took him away (40 kilograms of pellets came with him) and he was immediately taken to Panvet to have his blood drawn (he is FIV+) and to see if he can be one of their cats. Deka has the blood type of a boy.
He’s all scarred and ragged, has no teeth, is blind in one eye, but he’s cute for a medal. And finally safe!
On Friday, November 17, they announced that Dedica from Novi Sad fit in as if he was born among their moms. Klopa, he has his place in the basket and is definitely calm and peaceful.