Thumbelina is a mixed-breed husky and German shepherd who is looking for the ideal forever family to help her in her personalized bright pink wheelchair.
Upon the hunt for her castle, Princess Thumbelina is on the prowl.
The rescue dog is seeking the ideal permanent family after an adventurous journey from Texas to New York City. Her story starts just outside Dallas, when Heart and Bones, a foster-based rescue group with locations in Texas and New York City, took the dog in after she was ᴀʙᴀɴᴅoɴᴇᴅ at Stone Creek Vet, a veterinary facility in a remote area nearby Dallas.
“She couldn’t use her front legs since they were deformed, which they saw right away. They don’t last long. Although she has paws, she cannot use them in the same way that a dog’s front paws can “The doctor first met Thumbelina, according to Allison Seelig of Hearts & Bones, who spoke with PEOPLE. “They therefore thought that she must have legs that are genetically deformed and that the reason she is like that is probably owing to careless breeding procedures.”
Even though Thumbelina’s previous owner is no longer able to take care of the dog, Heart and Bones is certain that there is someone out there looking for a friend who is similar to this “wonderful” special needs dog. Thumbelina had some time to experience the world before coming across Hearts and Bones; she was about a year old at the time. The husky/German shepherd cross developed the ability to walk with her shorter front legs by using the backs of her paws during that period. A visit to the vet revealed, regrettably, that Thumbelina’s self-taught gait pattern would eventually cause life-threatening health issues.
“She had been moving around for a year on her back legs while crawling on her front legs, and she had gotten rather good at it. On her back legs, she will squat like a meerkat “Seelig adds details.
“She was quite satisfied just to be skulking around. Our veterinarian colleague was worried, though, that because she isn’t walking on paw-pads, the deterioration on her front arms could pose issues. Walking on fur, she. They were afraid that the strain it puts on her front body and the strange angle at which it pitches her down would eventually cause her to experience spinal problems “Continuing, the animal rescuer
After Thumbelina was adopted by Hearts and Bones, the animal rescue raised the money needed to buy her a bright pink wheelchair that safely supports her as she uses her rear legs to move around. Thumbelina moved to Heart and Bones’ founder’s house in Dallas for a quick course in wheelchair maneuvering.
Thumbelina quickly became proficient with her new wheels, making many animal friends in the neighborhood. Thumbelina was transported by Hearts and Bones from Texas to New York City in the beginning of August after the founder of the rescue was convinced that Thumbelina could travel the globe in her wheelchair despite the fact that many shelters there are overcrowded and crowded.
Thumbelina moved in with pet foster Megan Penney, who claims to be the 200th foster puppy overall. The dog is currently under Penney’s care, and she only has good things to say about the youngster who has improved in her wheelchair control and socialization with other dogs, including Penney’s own.
In addition to the streets of New York, Thumbelina has visited the ocean and a park while enchanting everyone she comes across. Now that she has met her adoptive family, she is eager.
As long as someone is patient, Thumbelina “would perform brilliantly in any household,” Seeling continues, cautioning potential owners to anticipate the dog will first be reserved.
Being the owner of a special needs pet is not as challenging as some people think, according to Penney, who is familiar with the requirements for caring for Thumbelina. Thumbelina’s adopters must be able to lift 42 pounds because she needs help getting in and out of her wheelchair and must reside in a house with an elevator, ramp, or flat surface. Penney believes that caring for Thumbelina is similar to caring for a dog with fully developed front legs, excluding these characteristics.
Thumbelina recently had grooming at Squeaky Clean Dog Grooming in NYC to get her ready for her new home. She was treated to a spa day and the supplies needed for the pet’s makeover thanks to the pet care business Pride + Groom. One Fur for Pride + Groom To contribute to animal shelters and rescues, all of the conditioning shampoo was used.
Thumbelina is now entirely ready to start her new life with her permanent family. You can submit an application to adopt Thumbelina through the Hearts and Bones website if you believe she is the canine princess you have been searching for.
Anyone who is unable to adopt a pet right now is encouraged to think about fostering one, according to the charity.
“A dog could essentially be saved by foster care for two to three weeks. due to the fact that there isn’t enough room at shelters to care for all the dogs who need homes at this time. Additionally, there are less dogs in shelters the more people who offer to foster pets “Seeling ᴀsserts. And because they are acclimated to living in a household at that age, it gives them a better chance of finding a forever home. It is also really good to relieve the burden on shelters.
Simply remember that even your studio apartment is far nicer than a concrete cage in an animal sanctuary, advises Penney.