For a family there is nothing more essential than offering the greatest moments to their beloved puppy, who has already reached a mature age and naturally will soon pass the canine rainbow .
And it is that if something is certain, it is that the presence of a puppy supposes a big responsibility , but it is also one of the finest experiences that people can have.
Those who open their hearts, without spending too much time, make the furry one of the family.
Family prepared the trip of a lifetime so their ailing puppy would have the greatest final seconds
This is the story of a family and their beloved furball, who is 105 canine years old , somewhat advanced in age but with a young heart and determined to continue enjoying the days that remain with those who love him so much.
This puppy is going through a normal phase of his adulthood , thus he no longer has the same vigor as when he was younger, his body is tired but the brilliance of his glance continues to enchant his adopted parents.
Understanding that time with their dog is running out, the family decided to get away from the chilly western weather for a bit and prepared a special road trip to spend quality time with Poh, their cherished fluffball .