The behavior of animals frequently serves as a reminder of the necessity of animals’ acts in a world where certain humans’ deeds cast doubt on our own species. Animals only act out of necessity, such as hunger or fear, never out of joy or torment.
We present to you today a tale that exemplifies the worst manifestations of human brutality and calls into question our belief in humanity as a whole. The protagonist of the tale is a helpless French Mastiff who was the victim of a vicious owner who subjected her to unspeakable misery, took pleasure in burying her alive, and cruelly restrained her. This story of inhumanity needs our attention because only by admitting it can we find a way to change.
But there is a ray of hope and resiliency in this bleak tale of misery. Despite being at the hands of an evil entity, this courageous French Mastiff refused to give in to hopelessness. She clung to the dream that a rescuer would appear in the shadows and deliver her from this torment.
Pedro Dinis, a caring animal lover casually wandering around Carrieres-sur-Seine with his own devoted dog partner, ended up being that hero. An apparently regular day was transformed into an amazing one when Pedro’s dog displayed strange behavior, causing him to make the startling discovery of a dog that had been buried alive and left to suffer a slow and agonizing death.
The head of this poor dog was forcibly restrained with a bag packed with gravel to prevent any escape, and she was encircled by stones. Pedro understood he had to move quickly and tactfully. He unearthed her and gave her water to soothe her dry throat with nothing but his bare hands and a heart full of compassion. Surprisingly, she handled this life-saving situation with remarkable composure.
Athena, the unstoppable survivor, was immediately brought to a veterinary hospital, where she received the life-saving care she so desperately required. Despite being weak and very dehydrated, she was no longer in danger. However, the effects of her prior maltreatment lingered deeply, showing up as arthritis symptoms as a painful reminder of her horrific past. Athena soon found a new, loving home with the Delfosse grandparents, where she could at last feel the joys and stability she had long been denied, thanks to unflinching dedication to her rehabilitation.
Justice did not ignore the tormentor of Athena. Authorities found the owner, who blatantly made an effort to downplay his horrible deeds by inventing a lie that Athena had somehow escaped. He may have used false words, but the evidence was louder. A dog with arthritis doesn’t just disappear or bury itself. He was charged with severe animal cruelty, which carries a sentence of two years in jail and a huge fine of more than $30,000. Justice prevailed.
The tale of Athena is a moving illustration of the tenacity of animals and the unwavering compassion of individuals who will not remain silent in the face of brutality. May it serve as a somber reminder of our obligation to speak out against these injustices and to defend the defenseless among us.