Before being rescued, Lola’s life could be summed up in one word — miserable. For eight years, the pit bull was chained inside a dark, dingy garage, where she spent her days lying on a concrete floor. She received no attention, no veterinary care, and was never let off the leash. A woman eventually noticed […]
A Heartfelt Goodbye: A Man Pays Tribute to His Beloved Canine Companion with a Funeral.
No one can replace their valuable presence in our lives Losing one of our dogs is as difficult for us as losing a member of our family. It is an indescribable sense of emptiness that shatters our hearts into a thousand pieces. It wreaks havoc on our souls because nothing and no one can ever […]
Introducing Hυlk, the continually growing World’s Largest Pit Bull.
While pit Ƅulls and other snuƄ-nosed ѕtгoпɡ-jawed dogs are often seen as dапɡeгoᴜѕ and ᴜпргedісtаЬɩe, this Aмerican pit Ƅull teггіeг and Ƅull teггіeг cross naмed Hulk, are sure to мelt eʋen the coldest һeагt. Not Ƅecause he is fluffy, and not Ƅecause he is tiny, Ƅut precisely the opposite – he’s the Ƅiggest pit Ƅull […]
The pitiful Pit Bull puppy was abandoned in a parking lot, and he cried inconsolably when he was finally rescued.
A local Shelter in a small hamlet in China got a call from a man witnessing a scene of a rickshaw driver pulling his dog by the neck. He was really outraged with the other driver’s actions. The wounded dog could not move and crawled into the entry to warm up, but from there it […]
A Unique Canine Bond: Puppy Befriends Lonely Widow, Sparking Excitement and Admiration for Their Beautiful Friendship.
When it comes to this couple it’s impossible to say who’s cuter: 93-year-old Sally or 1-year-old Brody. Regardless, united they are a pleasant sight to witness. Sally, 93, lost her husband in 1990 and has lived next to Dave Mazarella in Mt. Vernon, Washington, for 15 years. She has known all of his dogs, but […]