“We received a sad phone call about puppies in a literal dump today.” That’s how an hours-long rescue of a litter of puppies began for volunteers with Bright Eyes Dog Rescue in Saskatchewan, Canada. A Good Samaritan spotted the puppies when visiting the dump and called the animal rescue. Volunteers immediately went out to the […]
“Maternal Love Unleashed: The Unbreakable Connection between a Polar Bear Mother and Her Precious Cubs”
ɑs the hiɡhly ɑntiᴄipɑted ɑrrivɑl ᴏf the pᴏlɑr beɑr ɡrɑᴄed the ɡlᴏbe, ᴏne ᴏf Nᴏvᴏsibirsk’s lɑrɡest zᴏᴏs beᴄɑme ɑ plɑᴄe brimminɡ with jᴏy. Knᴏwn ɑs the wᴏrld’s ɡreɑtest predɑtᴏrs, pᴏlɑr beɑrs reprᴏdᴜᴄe nɑtᴜrɑlly ᴏnᴄe every twᴏ ᴏr three yeɑrs in their nɑtᴜrɑl hɑbitɑt ɑnd even less freqᴜently in ɑn ɑrtifiᴄiɑl settinɡ. Kаy аnd ɡerdа, eсstаtіс […]
“Heartwarming Tale: The Unbelievable Friendship of a Rescued Lion, Bear, and Tiger”
It is not a strange thing to see a cat having a friendship with a dog or a fox getting friendly with a dog. But it is very strange to see a lion, bear, and tiger getting along so well. We feel that this thing is not possible as they belong to different species. But […]
“A Mother’s Heroic Act: Lioness Risks All to Rescue Her Baby Trapped on a Cliff”
A wildlife photographer Jean-Francois witnessed the dramatic rescue of a lion cub by his mother in Africa. The baby lion cub fell over the edge of a sheer cliff. Fortunately, the lion cub became caught so that he didn’t fall straight to the bottom of the cliff. As the baby lion cried out in fear […]
“A Fox’s Second Chance: Meet Red, Rescued and Reimagined”
A fox cub named Red was found unconscious on the grounds of a factory in Oldham, England when Paul “the Fox Man” McDonald was called to see if he could help save her. Paul is a fox specialist with Freshfields Animal Rescue. When he first saw Red, he knew the baby fox was hanging on […]