A stray zebra roaming the grasslands was suddenly caught in the sights of a lioness. Immediately after, it ran towards its prey, then threw itself on the back of the zebra and kept biting. Caught by the lion on its back, the zebra did not show weakness but had an extremely strong counterattack. Despite being […]
With death approaching, the zebra still possesses the knowledge to outmaneuver both the crocodile and the hippo.
Crocodiles often hide in aggressive currents and finish off any animal that swims in the water, both hippos and crocodiles waiting for food to automatically find their way to their mouths. A zebra teaches them a lesson in the battle for survival by constantly trying and escaping from a deadly river. The zebra crossed the […]
The wildebeest, without any regrets, embraces its fate while using its strength to confront the lion.
Wildebeest is a wild animal famous for its ferocity and willingness to fight to the death with lions. They possess sharp horns and great strength, many fights with lions have been recorded and below is the most successful one. The lion hides in the bushes and suddenly attacks the wildebeest from behind, the prey often […]
“Zebra’s Harrowing Ordeal: Dozens of Hyenas Mercilessly Attack in an Inescapable Nightmare”
While visiting the Maasai Mara animal sanctuary in Kenya, photographer Marc Mol happened to capture an extremely devastating moment in the wild. It was the scene of the hyenas taking turns to bite the zebra. When we first discovered this scene, the hyenas had already defeated the zebra, the zebra was trying to get up […]
A massive buffalo, weighing one ton, succumbed to exhaustion following a fierce battle against a hundred lions.
Buffalos are extremely strong herbivores, they possess fearsome horns and can weigh up to 1 ton. The lions regularly organize buffalo hunts for a long meal of the whole herd. Here is a most fascinating fight between a 1 ton buffalo and about 20 lions. The wild buffalo was surrounded and constantly attacked by lionesses. […]